Dernier essai :

Sachet de soupe à l'oignon

Try add OXO / Poivron / Tomates séchées et finis herbes (mélange d'assaisonnements) / Thym / Laurier

The Famous Cabbage Soup

Ma version :
5 échalottes
1 boite de tomates en dés
Un gros chou
Un petit navet
2 poivrons verts
Une branche de céleri

Du persil
(Son apport en antioxydants en fait un assaisonnement santé)


Coupez tous les légumes en petits morceaux et recouvrez les d’eau.
Ajoutez du sel et du poivre et, si vous le souhaitez, de la ciboulette.
Cuire à feu très fort pendant 10 minites puis cuisson à feu doux jusqu’à ce que les légumes soient tendres
Ajoutez le percil




6 lg. onions
2 green peppers
Whole tomatoes (fresh or canned)
1 head of cabbage
Lg. stalk of celery

Season with dry onion soup mix. Cut vegetables and cover with water in large pot. Boil for 10 minutes. Cover, lower heat and simmer until vegetables are soft.

T-J Miracle Soup can be eaten at any time when you feel hungry in the day. Eat as much as you wish and as often as you like. This soup will not add calories, so eat all you want. The more you eat, the more you lose


The Famous Cabbage Soup

1 head cabbage
6 Large Green Onions
2 Green Peppers
1-2 Cans Diced Tomatoes
1 Bunch Celery
1 Package Lipton Onion Soup Mix
1-2 Cubes of vegetable broth low sodium

Cut vegetables into small pieces and cover with water.
(V-8 juice and water can be used). Boil fast for 10 minutes. Reduce to simmer and continue cooking until vegetables are tender. Season to taste with salt, pepper, parsley, etc.


PURPOSE: A primary food during the Sacred Heart Diet

This soup can be eaten at any time when you feel hungry during the day. Eat as much of it and as often as you like.


Six large onions,

Two green peppers,

Six lb. whole tomatoes (fresh or canned),

One large head of cabbage,

One large stalk of celery,

season with Bernard Jensen's Broth or Seasoning (found at health food stores and co-ops).

Cut veggies and cover with clean  water (distilled - or - reverse-osmosis and carbon filtered) in large pot.

Boil for 10 minutes. Cover, lower heat and simmer until veggies are soft.

(*Origin uncertain -- our apologies to it's author.  Modified (improved) by Dr. Golob. Edited by Bruce Chenoweth to remove unsubstantiable claims.)



1 Cabbage
6 Onions
2 Pimentos
2 Celery Stickes
2 OR 3 Tomatoes
Chicken Boullion


Chop all the ingredients and put them in a bowl to cook with a little water until everything is soft. Season with chicken boullion.

The Miracle Soup Diet: 1St. Day.- Fruits. You may eat any fruit except bananas, but if you like watermelon and cantaloupe eat both of this only and you may loss 3 pounds on the first day. Eat the quantity you want. 2nd. Day.- Vegetables. Eat all the vegetables you want all the day. Try to eat the green ones. Don't eat beans, peas, corn, etc. You may eat one roasted potatoe with butter; but only one. 3rd. Day.- Fruits and vegetables. The same as the first and second day but you cannot eat the potatoe. 4th. Day.- Milk and bananas. Eat 8 big bananas and 8 glasses of low fat milk. Bananas contain a lot of calories, carbohidrates, proteins and calcium, as well as the milk but in this day particularly your body needs it, this will help you to satisfy your neccesity of sugar. 5th. Day.- Meats and vegetables. You can eat 10 to 20 oz. Of meat and 6 tomatoes. Try to drink minimum 8 glasses of water this day to eliminate the uric acid of your body. 6th. Day.- Meat and vegetables. Eat all you want of meat and vegetables. Not potatoes. 7th. Day.- Rice, fruit juice and vegetables. Eat all you want of rice, coffee, fruit juice(no sugar or substitutes added) and vegetables. What you can drink.- decafeinated coffee, tea, vegetable juices (but only in the vegetables days) fruit juices (but only in the fruits days) and the t.j. Miracle soup. The more soup you eat, the more weight you loose.you can eat the soup any day of the diet.

Le Régime Soupe...
La soupe aux choux peut vous permettre de perdre de 3 à 7kg en une semaine.

Recette de la Soupe

-4 éclats d`ail
-6 gros oignons
-1 ou 2 boites de tomates pelées
-1 grosse tête de choux
-3 litres d'eau
-2 poivrons
-5 carottes
-1 céleri
-1 branche de persil
-Assaisonnement: sel, poivre, curry, etc.

Coupez les légumes en petits ou moyens morceaux et les couvrir d'eau.
Faites bouillir pendant 10 minutes.
Réduisez et continuez jusqu'à ce que les légumes soient tendres.


Ingrédients pour la recette de la soupe aux choux

6 gros oignons
1 à 2 boites de tomates pelées
Un gros chou
2 poivrons verts
Une branche de céleri
2 bouillons de légumes (cube)

Préparation de la soupe aux choux

Couper tous les légumes en petits morceaux et recouvrer les d’eau.
Ajouter du sel et du poivre, du curry si vous le souhaitez, de la ciboulette.
Cuire à feu très fort pendant 10 mn puis cuisson à feu doux jusqu’à ce que les légumes soient tendres.

Cette soupe est à consommer chaque fois que vous avez faim, autant de fois que vous le voulez. Plus vous en mangez et plus facilement se fait la perte de poids.


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